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How a Baby Comes Out From the Uterus Video

Female sex organ in mammals

Figure 28 02 01.JPG

Image showing dissimilar structures effectually and relating to the human uterus.

Forerunner Paramesonephric duct
System Reproductive system
Avenue Ovarian avenue and uterine artery
Vein Uterine veins
Lymph Body and cervix to internal iliac lymph nodes, fundus to para-aortic lymph nodes, lumbar and superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
Latin uterus
Greek ὑστέρα (hystéra)
MeSH D014599
TA98 A09.1.03.001
TA2 3500
FMA 17558
Anatomical terminology

[edit on Wikidata]

Different regions of Uterus displayed & labelled using a 3D medical animation still shot

Different regions of Uterus displayed & labelled using a 3D medical animation still shot

The uterus (from Latin "uterus", plural uteri) or womb () is the main female hormone-responsive, secondary sexual activity organ of the reproductive arrangement in humans and virtually other mammals. Things occurring in the uterus are described with the term in utero. In the homo, the lower end of the uterus, the neck, opens into the vagina, while the upper end, the fundus, is connected to the fallopian tubes. It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during gestation. In the human embryo, the uterus develops from the paramesonephric ducts which fuse into the single organ known as a simplex uterus. The uterus has different forms in many other animals and in some it exists as two split up uteri known as a duplex uterus.

In medicine, and related professions the term uterus is consistently used, while the Germanic-derived term womb is commonly used in everyday contexts.

Structure [edit]

The uterus is located within the pelvic region immediately behind and almost overlying the float, and in front of the sigmoid colon. The human uterus is pear-shaped and almost 7.6 cm (3.0 in) long, 4.5 cm (1.8 in) wide (side to side), and 3.0 cm (1.2 in) thick.[1] [2] A typical developed uterus weighs well-nigh 60 grams. The uterus can be divided anatomically into 4 regions: the fundus – the uppermost rounded portion of the uterus, the corpus (body), the cervix, and the cervical canal. The cervix protrudes into the vagina. The uterus is held in position within the pelvis past ligaments, which are part of the endopelvic fascia. These ligaments include the pubocervical ligaments, the primal ligaments, and the uterosacral ligaments. It is covered by a sheet-like fold of peritoneum, the broad ligament.[3]

Diagram showing regions of the uterus

From outside to inside, regions of the uterus include:

  • Cervix uteri – "neck of uterus"
  • External orifice of the uterus
  • Cervical canal
  • Internal orifice of the uterus
  • Body (Latin: Corpus)
  • Uterine cavity
  • Fundus

Layers [edit]

Uterine wall thickness (cm)[iv]
Location Mean (mm) Range (mm)
Anterior wall 23 17 - 25
Posterior wall 21 15 - 25
Fundus 20 15 - 22
Isthmus 10 8 - 22

The uterus has three layers, which together form the uterine wall. From innermost to outermost, these layers are the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium.[5]

The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus. Information technology has a basal layer and a functional layer; the functional layer thickens so is sloughed during the menstrual cycle or estrous cycle. During pregnancy, the uterine glands and blood vessels in the endometrium farther increase in size and number and form the decidua. Vascular spaces fuse and become interconnected, forming the placenta, which supplies oxygen and nutrition to the embryo and fetus.[6] [7]

The myometrium of the uterus more often than not consists of polish muscle. The innermost layer of myometrium is known equally the junctional zone, which becomes thickened in adenomyosis.[8]

The perimetrium is a serous layer of visceral peritoneum. Information technology covers the outer surface of the uterus.[nine]

Surrounding the uterus is a layer or band of fibrous and fatty connective tissue called the parametrium that connects the uterus to other tissues of the pelvis.

Commensal organisms are present in the uterus and form the uterine microbiome.[10] [eleven] [12] [13]

Back up [edit]

Uterus covered by the wide ligament

The uterus is primarily supported by the pelvic diaphragm, perineal body, and urogenital diaphragm. Secondarily, information technology is supported by ligaments, including the peritoneal ligament and the broad ligament of uterus.[14]

Major ligaments [edit]

It is held in place by several peritoneal ligaments, of which the following are the most of import (there are two of each):

Name From To
Uterosacral ligaments Posterior cervix Inductive confront of sacrum
Central ligaments Side of the cervix Ischial spines
Pubocervical ligaments[14] Side of the neck Pubic symphysis

Centrality [edit]

Ordinarily, the uterus lies in anteversion and anteflexion. In nearly women, the long axis of the uterus is aptitude forward on the long axis of the vagina, confronting the urinary bladder. This position is referred to as anteversion of the uterus. Furthermore, the long axis of the body of the uterus is bent frontward at the level of the internal bone with the long axis of the cervix. This position is termed anteflexion of the uterus.[15] The uterus assumes an anteverted position in 50% of women, a retroverted position in 25% of women, and a midposed position in the remaining 25% of women.[i]

Position [edit]

The uterus is in the middle of the pelvic cavity in frontal plane (due to broad ligament of the uterus). The fundus does not surpass the linea terminalis, while the vaginal part of the cervix does not extend below the interspinal line. The uterus is mobile and moves posteriorly under the pressure of a total bladder, or anteriorly nether the force per unit area of a full rectum. If both are full, it moves upwardly. Increased intra-intestinal pressure pushes it down. The mobility is conferred to information technology by musculo-fibrous apparatus that consists of suspensory and sustentacular part. Nether normal circumstances the suspensory function keeps the uterus in anteflexion and anteversion (in 90% of women) and keeps it "floating" in the pelvis. The significant of these terms are described beneath:

Distinction More common Less common
Position tipped "Anteverted": Tipped forrad "Retroverted": Tipped backwards
Position of fundus "Anteflexed": Fundus is pointing forward relative to the cervix "Retroflexed": Fundus is pointing backward

The sustentacular function supports the pelvic organs and comprises the larger pelvic diaphragm in the dorsum and the smaller urogenital diaphragm in the front.

The pathological changes of the position of the uterus are:

  • retroversion/retroflexion, if it is fixed
  • hyperanteflexion – tipped likewise forward; most normally built, just may exist acquired by tumors
  • anteposition, retroposition, lateroposition – the whole uterus is moved; caused by parametritis or tumors
  • height, descensus, prolapse
  • rotation (the whole uterus rotates around its longitudinal centrality), torsion (only the torso of the uterus rotates around)
  • inversion

In cases where the uterus is "tipped", as well known as retroverted uterus, the woman may have symptoms of pain during sexual intercourse, pelvic pain during menstruation, pocket-sized incontinence, urinary tract infections, fertility difficulties,[16] and difficulty using tampons. A pelvic examination by a doc can determine if a uterus is tipped.[17]

Blood supply [edit]

Vessels of the uterus and its appendages, rear view.

Schematic diagram of uterine arterial vasculature seen as a cross-section through the myometrium and endometrium

The uterus is supplied past arterial blood both from the uterine avenue and the ovarian artery. Some other anastomotic branch may also supply the uterus from anastomosis of these two arteries.

Nerve supply [edit]

Afferent nerves supplying the uterus are T11 and T12. Sympathetic supply is from the hypogastric plexus and the ovarian plexus. Parasympathetic supply is from the S2, S3 and S4 nerves.

Development [edit]

Bilateral Müllerian ducts class during early on fetal life. In males, anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) secreted from the testes leads to their regression. In females, these ducts requite rise to the Fallopian tubes and the uterus. In humans the lower segments of the two ducts fuse to form a unmarried uterus, however, in cases of uterine malformations this development may exist disturbed. The unlike uterine forms in various mammals are due to various degrees of fusion of the two Müllerian ducts.

Diverse congenital weather of the uterus can develop in utero. Though uncommon some of these are a double uterus, didelphic uterus, bicornate uterus and others.[18]

Part [edit]

The reproductive part of the uterus is to accept a fertilized ovum which passes through the utero-tubal junction from the fallopian tube. The fertilized ovum divides to become a blastocyst, which implants into the endometrium and derives nourishment from blood vessels, which develop exclusively for this purpose. The fertilized ovum becomes an embryo, attaches to a wall of the uterus, creates a placenta, and develops into a fetus (gestates) until childbirth. Due to anatomical barriers such every bit the pelvis, the uterus is pushed partially into the belly due to its expansion during pregnancy. Fifty-fifty during pregnancy the mass of a human uterus amounts to only about a kilogram (ii.2 pounds).

The uterus also plays a function in sexual response, by directing blood flow to the pelvis and ovaries, and to the external genitals, including the vagina, labia, and clitoris.

There is too some show that the uterus plays a function in knowledge in a similar way to the ovaries. A report on rat models found that when the uterus was removed, the rats performed more poorly on spatial retentiveness tasks. Prof. Bimonte-Nelson, the co-author of the study, explained: "the body'south autonomic nervous system, which regulates 'automated' metabolic processes, such every bit center rate, breathing, digestion, and sexual arousal, also has links to the uterus and brain."[19] No similar studies have yet been conducted on humans.

Clinical significance [edit]

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus which may be carried out for a number of reasons including the ridding of tumours both benign and malignant. A complete hysterectomy involves the removal of the body, fundus, and cervix of the uterus. A partial hysterectomy may but involve the removal of the uterine body while leaving the cervix intact. It is the almost commonly performed gynecological surgical process.

During pregnancy the growth rate of the fetus can exist assessed by measuring the fundal height.

Some pathological states include:

  • Prolapse of the uterus
  • Carcinoma of the cervix – malignant neoplasm
  • Carcinoma of the uterus – malignant neoplasm
  • Fibroids – benign neoplasms
  • Adenomyosis – ectopic growth of endometrial tissue inside the myometrium
  • Endometritis, infection at the uterine cavity
  • Pyometra – infection of the uterus, most usually seen in dogs
  • Uterine malformations mainly congenital malformations including Uterine Didelphys, bicornuate uterus and septate uterus. Information technology also includes congenital absence of the uterus Rokitansky syndrome
  • Asherman's syndrome, besides known as intrauterine adhesions, occurs when the basal layer of the endometrium is damaged by instrumentation (e.g., D&C) or infection (eastward.thou., endometrial tuberculosis) resulting in endometrial scarring followed past adhesion formation that partially or completely obliterates the uterine cavity
  • Hematometra, which is accumulation of blood within the uterus.[twenty]

  • Accumulation of fluids other than blood or of unknown constitution. I report came to the determination that postmenopausal women with endometrial fluid drove on gynecologic ultrasonography should undergo endometrial biopsy if the endometrial lining is thicker than 3 mm or if the endometrial fluid is echogenic. In cases of a lining 3 mm or less and articulate endometrial fluid, endometrial biopsy was not regarded to be necessary, just endocervical curettage to rule out endocervical cancer was recommended.[21]
  • Myometritis – inflammation of the muscular uterine wall.[22]

Other animals [edit]

Most animals that lay eggs, such every bit birds and reptiles, including near ovoviviparous species, have an oviduct instead of a uterus. However, recent inquiry into the biology of the viviparous (not merely ovoviviparous) skink Trachylepis ivensi has revealed development of a very close analogue to eutherian mammalian placental evolution.[23]

In monotremes, mammals which lay eggs, namely the platypus and the echidnas, either the term uterus or oviduct is used to describe the same organ, but the egg does not develop a placenta within the mother and thus does not receive further nourishment after formation and fertilization.

Marsupials accept two uteri, each of which connect to a lateral vagina and which both use a third, middle "vagina" which functions as the nascence canal.[24] [25] Marsupial embryos form a choriovitelline placenta (which can be thought of equally something betwixt a monotreme egg and a "true" placenta), in which the egg's yolk sac supplies a large part of the embryo'due south nutrition only also attaches to the uterine wall and takes nutrients from the mother'due south bloodstream. All the same, bandicoots also have a rudimentary chorioallantoic placenta, similar to those of placental mammals.

The fetus usually develops fully in placental mammals and only partially in marsupials including kangaroos and opossums. In marsupials the uterus forms equally a duplex organ of two uteri. In monotremes (egg-laying mammals) such as the platypus, the uterus is duplex and rather than nurturing the embryo, secretes the beat out effectually the egg. It is substantially identical with the trounce gland of birds and reptiles, with which the uterus is homologous.[26]

In mammals, the iv main forms of the uterus are: duplex, bipartite, bicornuate and simplex.[27]

There are two wholly separate uteri, with 1 fallopian tube each. Constitute in marsupials (such as kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, opossums, etc.), rodents (such as mice, rats, and guinea pigs), and lagomorpha (rabbits and hares).
The two uteri are separate for most of their length, but share a single neck. Establish in ruminants (deer, moose, elk etc.), hyraxes, cats, and horses.
The upper parts of the uterus remain separate, but the lower parts are fused into a unmarried structure. Plant in dogs, pigs, elephants, whales, dolphins,[28] and tarsiers, and strepsirrhine primates among others.
The unabridged uterus is fused into a single organ. Found in higher primates (including humans and chimpanzees). Occasionally, some private females (including humans) may have a bicornuate uterus, a uterine malformation where the ii parts of the uterus fail to fuse completely during fetal evolution.

Two uteri usually form initially in a female and normally male fetus, and in placental mammals they may partially or completely fuse into a single uterus depending on the species. In many species with two uteri, but one is functional. Humans and other higher primates such equally chimpanzees, ordinarily have a unmarried completely fused uterus, although in some individuals the uteri may not have completely fused.

Additional images [edit]

Encounter also [edit]

  • Menopause
  • Bogus uterus
  • Social uterus
  • Unicornuate uterus

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Manual of Obstetrics. (tertiary ed.). Elsevier 2011. pp. 1–xvi. ISBN 9788131225561.
  2. ^ Donita, D'Amico (2015). Health & physical assessment in nursing. Barbarito, Colleen (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson. p. 645. ISBN9780133876406. OCLC 894626609.
  3. ^ Gray's Anatomy for Students, 2nd edition
  4. ^ Nandita Palshetkar; Rishma Dhillon Pai; Hrishikesh D Pai (2012-09-thirty). Textbook of Hysteroscopy. JP Medical Ltd. pp. 135–. ISBN978-93-5025-781-4.
  5. ^ Tortora, G; Derrickson, B (2011). Principles of anatomy & physiology (13th. ed.). Wiley. p. 1105. ISBN9780470646083.
  6. ^ Bluish Histology - Female person Reproductive Organization Archived 2007-02-21 at the Wayback Machine. Schoolhouse of Anatomy and Human Biology — The University of Western Australia Accessed 20061228 20:35
  7. ^ Guyton AC, Hall JE, eds. (2006). "Chapter 81 Female Physiology Before Pregnancy and Female Hormones". Textbook of Medical Physiology (11th ed.). Elsevier Saunders. pp. 1018ff. ISBN9780721602400.
  8. ^ "NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms". National Cancer Establish. Archived from the original on 2017-12-26. Retrieved 2017-12-27 .
  9. ^ Ross, Michael H.; Pawlina, Wojciech. Histology, a text and atlas (Sixth ed.). p. 848.
  10. ^ Franasiak, Jason M.; Scott, Richard T. (2015). "Reproductive tract microbiome in assisted reproductive technologies". Fertility and Sterility. 104 (6): 1364–1371. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.10.012. ISSN 0015-0282. PMID 26597628.
  11. ^ Verstraelen, Hans; Vilchez-Vargas, Ramiro; Desimpel, Fabian; Jauregui, Ruy; Vankeirsbilck, Nele; Weyers, Steven; Verhelst, Rita; De Sutter, Petra; Pieper, Dietmar H.; Van De Wiele, Tom (2016). "Characterisation of the homo uterine microbiome in non-pregnant women through deep sequencing of the V1-2 region of the 16S rRNA gene". PeerJ. 4: e1602. doi:ten.7717/peerj.1602. ISSN 2167-8359. PMC4730988. PMID 26823997.
  12. ^ Mor, Gil; Kwon, Ja-Immature (2015). "Trophoblast-microbiome interaction: a new paradigm on immune regulation". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 213 (4): S131–S137. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2015.06.039. ISSN 0002-9378. PMC6800181. PMID 26428492.
  13. ^ Payne, Matthew Due south.; Bayatibojakhi, Sara (2014). "Exploring Preterm Nativity as a Polymicrobial Illness: An Overview of the Uterine Microbiome". Frontiers in Immunology. 5: 595. doi:ten.3389/fimmu.2014.00595. ISSN 1664-3224. PMC4245917. PMID 25505898.
  14. ^ a b The Pelvis University College Cork Archived from the original on 2008-02-27
  15. ^ Snell, Clinical Anatomy by regions, 8th edition
  16. ^ "Retroverted Uterus: What it is & How information technology Affects Pregnancy". Archived from the original on 2013-10-05.
  17. ^ Tipped Uterus:Tilted Uterus Archived 2011-02-24 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 25 March 2011
  18. ^ "Surgical Correction of Uterovaginal Anomalies | GLOWM". Archived from the original on 2017-12-28. Retrieved 2017-12-27 .
  19. ^ "The uterus plays a role in retentiveness, study finds". Medical News Today. 14 December 2018. Retrieved 24 September 2019.
  20. ^ "Cervical Stenosis - Women'south Health Issues - Merck Manuals Consumer Version". Merck Manuals Consumer Version . Retrieved 2018-xi-07 .
  21. ^ Takacs P, De Santis T, Nicholas MC, Verma U, Strassberg R, Duthely L (November 2005). "Echogenic endometrial fluid drove in postmenopausal women is a significant risk cistron for disease". J Ultrasound Med. 24 (xi): 1477–81. doi:10.7863/jum.2005.24.11.1477. PMID 16239648. S2CID 20258522.
  22. ^ "Myometritis - Medical Definition from MediLexicon". world wide Archived from the original on 2016-12-29.
  23. ^ Blackburn, D. M.; Flemming, A. F. (2011). "Invasive implantation and intimate placental associations in a placentotrophic African cadger, Trachylepis ivensi (scincidae)". Journal of Morphology. 273 (2): 137–59. doi:10.1002/jmor.11011. PMID 21956253. S2CID 5191828.
  24. ^ Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe; Marilyn Renfree (30 Jan 1987). Reproductive Physiology of Marsupials. Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-33792-2.
  25. ^ Ronald G. Nowak (vii Apr 1999). Walker's Mammals of the Globe. JHU Press. ISBN978-0-8018-5789-8.
  26. ^ Romer, Alfred Sherwood; Parsons, Thomas Southward. (1977). The Vertebrate Body. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Holt-Saunders International. pp. 390–392. ISBN0-03-910284-X.
  27. ^ Lewitus, Eric, and Christophe Soligo. "Life-history correlates of placental construction in eutherian evolution Archived 2017-09-06 at the Wayback Machine." Evolutionary Biology 38.three (2011): 287-305.
  28. ^ Bernd Würsig; William F. Perrin; J.G.Thousand. Thewissen (26 February 2009). Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. ISBN978-0-08-091993-5.

External links [edit]

  • Anatomy photo:43:01-0102 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Heart – "The Female Pelvis: Organs in the Female and male Pelvis in situ"
  • Uterus Anatomy
  • Uterus Pregnancy

How a Baby Comes Out From the Uterus Video
